Fenugreek | Action – Benefits – Side Effects – Dietary Supplements

This is another article dedicated to a natural ingredient offering multiple benefits for the health and organism function.

The herb Fenugreek” believed to be of Greek origin, grows in temperate Mediterranean climates and more specifically in Southern Europe and Western Asia.

Over the years, the wilder part of the herb has led to the species known today.

Countries producing Fenugreek) nowadays are India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Egypt, Argentina, Turkey, Spain and France.

The herb is dried and used as a spice, or even consumed fresh (leaves, sprouts, or micro-greenery).

Its characteristic smell resembling pasturma (Turkish delicatessen), or celery in others – is due to a chemical contained, called sotolon, giving a sweet but also somewhat spicy smell.


Fenugreek – As spice

Though many may not know it by name – is a well-known herb used in the preparations of Indian curry.

So as a name it may not be so well known, however as a taste it is definitely extremely familiar to most of us.

It is also used in the preparation of a Turkish spice called tsimeni (used to cover pasturma). Tsimeni is a well-known spice, with a special smoky smell.

Fenugreek also met in the traditional cooking of various local cuisines around the world, as in Egyptian cuisine used in traditional pies, a basic element of their diet, while in Ethiopia, Fenugreek goes as a medicinal-therapeutic herb for the treatment of diabetes.

Jews use a curry preparation of Fenugreek in certain rituals and customs of their religion.

Finally, Arabs use it either as an infusion (tea) to improve symptoms of diarrhea, or as a natural flavoring with honey in their breakfast.

Fenugreek and Medicine



While Fenugreek has been around for centuries in traditional medicine and cooking, it has only been introduced to medical science in recent years, making however an impressive entrance.

Now very well received and found in a variety of nutritional supplements (legal & certified for their action).

The scientific name of Fenugreek, foenum-graecum, belongs to the wider Fabaceae family, a key ingredient in herbal remedies of Western Italy.

Mainly used as a milk booster in breastfeeding mothers, also found in completely different uses (such as treating bronchitis, arthritis, digestive disorders, kidney problems or even male impotence / reduced libido).

Its many different active capabilities are the reason for finding it in many different dietary supplements and alternative therapies.

Till recently, there were no scientific studies on Fenugreek’s action and its benefits.

During the last years, however, science has turned its attention to it and other equally beneficial natural ingredients.

There is now official research proving the benefits of using Fenugreek in various conditions:

  • digestive dysfunction
  • constipation
  • regulation of blood sugar
  • regulation of lipids in the blood
  • breastfeeding
  • erectile dysfunction / low libido / low testosterone production (for men)
  • pain
  • alcohol toxicity
  • diabetes

Fenugreek – apart frpm its presence in various pharmaceutical & para-pharmaceutical products – today is met in shampoos and various soaps. It is used by cosmetology / soap makers, due to its beneficial properties regarding skin health.

Research shows that the use of Fenugreek enhances the effective hydration of hard, dehydrated and damaged skin.

Contains a sticky substance assisting the skin to absorb moisture, soothe and become gradually soft.

Causes no irritation (even if applied directly to sensitive skin of the face), this being another reason why it is now included in the production of face moisturizers and other cosmetic products for skin care and anti-aging protection.

CAUTION: Another parameter not missed is its anti-cancer protection provided to organism in general and to skin in particular.

Research shows that may reduce the various skin bumps on the skin, as well as the risk of sunburn.

Scientists claim that saponins – active ingredients found in Fenugreek – have the capability to reduce cell division, so preventing the spread and proliferation of cancer cells in organism.

Furthermore, the seeds of this herb are beneficial, especially for colon cancer and breast cancer, as studies showing a delaying effect.

A Herb with great Nutritional Importance


Fenugreek is an amazing herb offering huge benefits to organism, nevertheless to take advantage of it huge amounts of herbs should be consumed every day.

This is the reason why it is now included in various nutritional supplements so it may be received in the desired amount, taking advantage of its beneficial properties.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Imagine that just one tablespoon of this herb’s seeds provides almost 3 grams of protein, 3 grams of useful dietary fiber and 20% of the organism’s needs in iron, 5% in magnesium and 7% in manganese.

Here some of the most beneficial bioactive substances found in Fenugreek:

  • trigonelline
  • 4-hydroxycyoleucin
  • diosgenin
  • luteolin
  • triangles
  • 3-hydroxy-4.5-dimethyl-2 (5H) -furanone
  • vitamin c
  • manganese
  • iron
  • copper
  • potassium
  • oleic acid (16.3%)
  • linoleic acid (50%)
  • various aromatic oils

Strong Antioxidant Protection

Another reason for the regular use of Fenugreek in the diet is its great antioxidant protection provided to the organism.

Fenugreek’s seeds believed to be an excellent natural antioxidant help to reduce the free radicals responsible for cancer and the premature aging of the body, effectively.

Its strong antioxidant activity also helps rejuvenate the damaged liver of those over-consuming alcohol. It appears – according to unconfirmed (unofficial) research – that Fenugreek may reduce damage to liver enzymes caused by alcohol and affecting organ function.

Fenugreek: A special Herb for Men


Is Fenugreek such an active natural (and completely harmless) aphrodisiac ingredient as believed to be up to date?

Moschositaro – or Fenugreek – is widely used in men’s dietary supplements, mainly due to many properties, as well as abundance of beneficial effects (especially) on male organism.

Many people use it as a treatment for hernia, but now is widely known around the world as a powerful natural aphrodisiac.

Besides, fights male erectile dysfunction, the inability to have sexual stimulation and even baldness.

Studies confirm its positive effect on increasing male libido and improving the erectile function of the individual.

Our Proposal (A supplement containing Fenugreek): Testogen

(Men’s Nutritional Supplement of Natural Composition)


TESTOGEN is a well-known nutritional supplement containing Fenugreek.


TESTOGEN, a dietary supplement is a 100% natural oral supplement, addressed only to men, boosting in natural way the testosterone levels effectively.

A great advantage is the natural ingredients contained with different benefits for the male organism and its function, as well as the fact of being safe to use (no side effects).

Its action comes in a short time (the first major changes observed in a period of just a few weeks).

TESTOGEN – as a booster of natural testosterone production in male organism – has 2 basic uses :

  • Booster for sexual performance improvement
  • Booster for improving athletic performance & increasing muscle gains

Its use seems to have a direct effect on the athlete’s performance during the training process, while the visible effects on body (muscle gains, fat loss, increased libido, enhanced erection, boosted energy & endurance) are coming quickly.

Gives improved physical condition but also improved psychology / confidence / mood, enhancing motivation levels, improving physical and mental performance, promoting focus / self-concentration, increasing determination and momentum.

Furthermore, regulates blood pressure, improves genital perspiration (favoring erection), and lowers bad cholesterol levels, protecting the heart as well.

The manufacturing company

Produced by ADVANCED HEALTH LIMITED, a company of more than 10 years of experience in the field and seems to have gained the trust of people (mainly bodybuilding athletes, most demanding in their athletic / training needs).

The ingredients

  • D-Aspartic Acid 2,000mg
  • Tribulus Terrestris (fruit extract) 300mg
  • Panax Ginseng (root) 250mg
  • Fenugreek 200 mg extract
  • Zinc gluconate 72 mg
  • Pyridoxine Hydrochloride (B6) 56 mg
  • Riboflavin (B2) 20mg
  • Pantothenic Calcium (B5) 12mg
  • Selenium 45.2mg
  • Cholecalciferol (D3) 10mcg

The action


The male nutritional supplement TESTOGEN works by boosting the levels of testosterone produced by the organism itself, then participating in various physical processes affecting the organism in various ways.

So we are not talking about a synthetic hormone supplement, but about a completely natural nutritional booster stimulating the organism function.

Increases libido, improves erection and sperm quality / quantity / motility, increases athletic & sexual performance and enhances a man’s sexual health & fitness (at any age).

Increased testosterone significantly boosts energy & endurance levels, promotes better sexual & athletic performance, promotes increased muscle gains and stimulates a person’s psychology.

Furthermore, acts as an excellent antioxidant, relieving inflammation / injury / muscle and joint fatigue.

Reduces the time required for the body to recover after training and favors more frequent and efficient workouts.

Increasing the amount of testosterone produced in organism provides multiple benefits. Testosterone is the so-called steroid hormone.

Its increased production gives the organism a strong androgenic & anabolic action in a natural way with no side effects.

It’s a legal, economical, safe supplement of no side effects, not requiring painful administration (injections).

  • promotes burning of body fat
  • enhances libido
  • fights erectile dysfunction
  • enhances the quality & quantity of sperm
  • improves reproductive ability
  • increases muscle gains dramatically
  • reduces inflammation
  • enhances the natural production of testosterone
  • improves focus
  • improves memory
  • provides antioxidant protection to the body
  • reduces recovery time

Side effects

TESTOGEN is a natural nutritional supplement not associated with unpleasant side and dangerous side effects in the organism.

Certainly, its administration is not allowed to minors or people suffering from any disease, or receiving medication, without prior medical consent.

Besides, as a natural dietary supplement might cause allergic reactions to some people.

All ingredients are natural, safe, tested, certified and of excellent quality.

Perhaps the only “risk” for a “healthy” person is to develop side effects from TESTOGEN due to its high zinc contained.

Quite rarely, harmless side effects, such as headaches or nausea, might be observed.

However, any of these symptoms are present, it is advisable to stop the supplement’s administration and consult the doctor on the levels of Zinc allowed for your organism.



The purchase of original booster TESTOGEN for, muscle reconstruction and loss of adipose tissue is available via internet only, more specifically via the official company’s website.

For visiting the official website and find out more on the product’s price, along with other interesting information, click on the link above.

However, let’s repeat that all TESTOGEN ingredients are certified and safe.

TESTOGEN has received official certification from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

By | 2021-03-03T09:35:16+00:00 February 16th, 2021|Health Articles|Comments Off on Fenugreek | Action – Benefits – Side Effects – Dietary Supplements

About the Author:

Jo Stam
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